July 16, 2015

As the end of the school year has approached, we have been hearing all about the events schools have put on to celebrate students’ success. We love hearing about students being motivated to read for pleasure and having their success recognised with celebrations. The bigger the better!

We have heard some impressive statistics: schools with literally dozens of Word Millionaires; students reading upwards of eight million words in the course of a year; students making four years’ worth of progress in reading in just 9 months. And then we’ve heard about trips to the Making of Harry Potter at Warner Brothers Studio; millionaires’ parties with red carpets and paparazzi; certificates, badges and brooches. It seems the enthusiasm children have for reading with AR is matched only by the creativity of their teachers in marking their success!

For your inspiration, we have collected some of our favourites from the past couple of weeks from our Twitter page. To share your own stories of reading celebration, you can contact us on Twitter (@AccReader), Facebook (AccReader) or by email (answers@renlearn.co.uk).

Well done to everyone who has made such brilliant progress with reading this year, and well done too to all the dedicated teachers, librarians and support staff who work so hard to make reading such a special activity in the 4000+ schools using AR nationwide.

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