August 20, 2016

Using Star Assessments as an Attainment 8 Calculator

Attainment 8 score and Attainment 8 Calculator imageAs the name suggests, Attainment 8 measures the achievement of a student across eight qualifications at GSCE level – including English and Maths – which are both double weighted. Introduced just a couple of years ago, schools have begun to seek a method of calculating the Attainment 8 score in advance of results being published, leading many schools to explore the options for an Attainment 8 Calculator.

The Attainment 8 Score forms part of the calculations for Progress 8 – the second step in fact. The Attainment 8 score is calculated using the grades a student achieves for the GCSE or approved qualification. Points are then allocated according to the grade achieved.

While the final Attainment 8 score will be determined by the student’s results, schools can use tools such as Star Reading and Star Maths to help predict the outcomes of Attainment 8 by using the data from Star Assessments as the basis for an Attainment 8 calculator.

Providing access to an independently validated and robust assessment programme, Star Reading and Star Maths equip schools with a reliable method of assessment and accurate data. By helping teachers to pinpoint exactly where support is required and to effectively manage and track interventions, Star is an invaluable tool for calculating a predicted Attainment 8 score.

Widely used in Key Stage 2 to accurately predict SATs scores, Star Reading and Star Maths can be used to monitor student progress and correlate levels of growth with an expected GCSE grade in English and Maths.

While Star Reading and Star Maths are not an Attainment 8 calculator per se, these powerful assessment programmes give schools robust data which can then be used to inform Attainment 8 score predictions as well as guide teaching and learning approaches to ensure each student reaches their maximum potential.

To learn more about Star Reading and Star Maths, please visit the product page.

Looking for a Progress 8 calculator for measure Progress 8 Scores? – find out more here

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